About the Highly Restricted Data Service
Data Safe Haven (DSH)
Secure storage and compute for processing restricted and highly restricted data
Secure Web Platforms
Hosting and custom support for project-specific, secure data platforms
Secure physical room for working with data provided via the SafePod network
Secure web application for hosting online surveys and databases
Charges for using the HRDS
Handling restricted and highly restricted data requires dedicated personnel along with enhanced monitoring and support. In order to sustain the effort required some services need to need to be charged for.
- Standard, annual support charges are in place for DSH and REDCap.
- SafePod is currently free to UoM researchers as it is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and run by the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research as part of the ADR UK programme.
- Hosting and support for Secure Web Platforms will be charged on a case-by-case basis.
What is restricted and highly restricted data?
Data classification, security and protection